Antenna Range

 We will have an antenna range in operation on Friday morning July 26th.  We will test antennas for 144 MHz and up.  You will go home with gain numbers for your antenna.  You should be present on the range during the test of your antenna.  While we can't make pattern measurements you can get an idea of the antenna's overall pattern.  Even if you do not bring any antennas for testing, spend some time on the range and you will always learn.  In the meantime, build some antennas for testing and bring them to the CSVHFS conference.

The VHF range will cover 144 to 432 MHz and is led by XXXXXXXX.  The Microwave range will operate concurrently and cover 902 MHz to at least 24 GHz.  Kent Britain, WA5VJB, operates the Microwave range.

Both ranges will be located on the West side of the Raddison in the parking lot and grassy area.


Results will be published here after the event.